The Clark Creek Project is prime grizzly habitat | Photo: Mitch Doherty, Vital Ground Foundation

Clark Creek Project

In December 2024 with support from Atira Conservation, Vital Ground Foundation completed the Clark Creek Conservation Easement. This 160-acre property west of Lolo, Montana, on the northern edge of the Bitterroot Mountains, is prime grizzly bear habitat in a key regional wildlife corridor in Montana.  Clark Creek is adjacent to Graves Creek, where biologists, bear managers and researchers believe a strong linkage area exists between the Northern Continental Divide (NCDE) and Bitterroot ecosystems.

Although there are no known resident grizzly bears in the area, they do occasionally travel into the Bitterroot Ecosystem.  As grizzlies continue to disperse from the southern end of the NCDE, their most likely route is through this regional corridor where Clark Creek is located.

The property is mountainous and contains stands of mixed conifer typical of western Montana. There are also several small wetlands in the Clark Creek drainage. Wetlands within the property provide seasonal habitat for a variety of rare plants and wildlife. In addition to onsite habitat, the nearby Lolo Creek has abundant riparian habitat that currently sees a lot of black bear activity.

Because Clark Creek sits within a subdivision that is comprised of 160-acre tracts, areas such as this are experiencing high development pressure given their proximity to large urban centers like Missoula.

  • Property Cost: $82,500
  • Atira Conservation Funding: $8,500

Clark Creek Project site map

The Clark Creek project protects 160 acres in a key wildlife movement area | Photo: Mitch Doherty, Vital Ground Foundation