Photo: Providence Doucet | Unsplash

Become an Atira Conservation Partner

At Atira Conservation, we know that land protection doesn’t happen overnight. In many cases, local land trusts and other conservation organizations have identified ecologically rich natural spaces in their communities and have often been working for years to protect them.

Transactions that result in land protection can involve extensive negotiations and fundraising, only to be stymied when a last piece of vital funding is missing. Atira Conservation specializes in bridging these final funding gaps and helping organizations complete the process.

While we have an extensive network of local land trusts and conservation organizations across the U.S. that bring us potential projects, we welcome new partners who can help us in our mission to conserve lands that matter. (see our previous partners.)

Our Guiding Principles for Land Protection

At Atira Conservation, we have a streamlined leadership structure where the founders also serve as the board of directors, allowing for minimal internal bureaucracy and maximum efficiency, flexibility and mobility — attributes that can be essential to acting quickly to protect land before it is lost forever.

We have no formal application process, nor application deadlines for potential partners; however, there are some guiding principles we follow in making decisions about the land conservation efforts we support:

Ecological Value

This is the most significant consideration in our work. The land conservation projects we consider must include unique habitats, shelter a diverse variety of species, be important areas for specific plants and animals and/or be adjacent-to or connected-to other conservation lands. We review ecological surveys, may conduct our own, and tap into our extensive professional networks to assess the value of projects proposed to us and the partner organizations involved.

Community Significance

We will also consider projects where lands have significant value for a local community, such as a greenway system.

Perpetual Conservation and Stewardship

Atira Conservation will only consider projects that include perpetual conservation and perpetual stewardship and maintenance by a local land trust or other conservation organization. We do not typically fund ongoing land maintenance, necessary restoration, education or outreach programs, staff salaries or overhead, nor will we accept title to any conservation property.

Where We Work

We fund projects in the United States and its territories.

Types of Habitat

We do not focus on any single habitat type, though for aquatic habitats to be considered, they must be connected to a land or easement purchase.

Project Size

There is no minimum size for a land or easement purchase, as long as the lands are ecologically rich, the property is adjacent-to or connected-to other conservation lands or the property has community significance.

To Seek Support from Atira Conservation

We typically work with local land trusts, other conservation organizations and private landowners to find conservation land projects. However, individual donors may contact us to discuss land protection ideas for personally meaningful natural spaces. We provide necessary funding to partner organizations to get a transaction across the finish line. Additionally, we also support due diligence and other associated closing costs such as appraisals, legal fees, and title insurance.

The best way to propose a project to us for funding support is to send an email to that provides an overview of the project, including a map, a high-level summary of its ecological value and partners involved. We’d also like to know more about the steps you’ve already taken to complete the transaction.

Please join us in conserving

lands that matter

Contact Us

Atira Conservation works with partners across the country. If you know of a natural space we should consider for protection, please email us with your idea.