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Photo: George Wilson Archives


Do we receive information on the land or easement purchase our donation was used to protect? Is my donation tax deductible?

We will send you a receipt for your donation along with the information on the land or easement purchase your donation helped to secure.  Atira Conservation is a registered United States 501(c)(3) private foundation (EIN #87-2103234). All donations are tax-deductible for United States donors.

What percentage of each dollar that I give goes to a land or easement purchase?

100% of your donation is allocated to the land or easement purchase.

How much financial compensation do the founders of Atira Conservation receive?

The founders of Atira Conservation receive no compensation for their time and efforts to help donors secure lands for protection.

Is there a geographic limitation to where Atira Conservation will fund projects?

Atira Conservation will fund projects within the United States and its territories.

Does Atira Conservation protect land with aquatic habitat?

Yes, we protect aquatic habitat, so long as it is associated with the land or easement purchase.

Does Atira Conservation own property once it is purchased?

No, Atira Conservation will not own property once it is put in permanent protection.  Fee simple land purchases will be held with a land conservation organization and managed in perpetuity.  Land easements will be overseen by a land conservation organization to ensure all terms of the land easement are maintained.

Do I need a minimum donation?

There is $5 minimum donation… every dollar received brings us closer to protecting more land!

Is there a minimum size for a land or easement purchase?

There is no minimum size for a land or easement purchase, so long as priority factors are addressed such as ecologically valuable habitat, (i.e., high species diversity, unique habitats, important for specific wildlife/plants) the property is near or connected to other conservation lands, has cultural/historical significance or meaningful significance to a community.

Can I donate land to Atira Conservation for permanent protection?

You can donate land for permanent protection and receive a tax benefit.  Atira Conservation will work with a local land conservation organization to explore the possibility to hold title and manage the property in perpetuity.

How do we know our money is going to a worthy land purchase?

Atira Conservation only supports projects with committed perpetual protection and stewardship.  Our funding interests are focused on ecologically valuable habitat, such as land with high species diversity, unique habitats, important for specific wildlife/plants, or is near or connected to other conservation lands.  Additionally we fund land with cultural/historical significance or meaningful significance to a community.

If I have an idea for a land purchase or easement how should I proceed?

Email us at and tell us about your idea.  Include as much information about the property as possible such as location, property size, photos, a map, current ownership, value of the property, etc.

How does Atira find meaningful land and easement purchases?

We network with local land conservation organizations across the United States to find specific properties needing additional funding for protection. Potential projects are brought to us for consideration from colleagues working either with or for these land conservation organizations.  Other projects are found through various outreach and solicitation efforts.

Are land and easement properties maintained in perpetuity?

Atira Conservation works with local land conservation organizations to ensure all land and easement purchases are protected and managed in perpetuity.

What if I have a land or easement purchase opportunity Atira decides not to fund?

If we cannot support your request we will work with you to find another funding partner.

What can I do to help for land conservation if I cannot give financial support?

There are numerous ways you can help with land conservation.  Please

  • Spreading the word about Atira Conservation to your family, friends and
  • Joining our mailing list and following us on social media
  • Helping us find natural spaces that need protecting
  • Evaluating your property as a conservation easement donation
  • Remembering us in your estate planning
  • Volunteering at your local land trust
What is the process for funding projects?

We network with local land trusts and other conservation organizations across the United States to find specific properties in need of additional funding for protection.  We also solicit property purchase ideas from local land trusts and other conservation organizations, as well as private landowners, including our donors who support Atira Conservation.  

For initial funding consideration any land or easement purchase must be targeted for permanent protection and committed perpetual stewardship. We then evaluate if the property aligns with our priorities, meaning it holds ecologically valuable habitat (i.e., land with high species diversity, unique habitats, important for specific wildlife/plants) or is located near or connected to other conservation lands. Once a property meets these criteria, we begin working with local land conservation organizations to fund the easement or land purchase.