Dog Island Conservation District | Photo: William Stone
Dog Island Preserve
Dog Island Preserve was the first property Atira Conservation supported in collaboration with Alachua Conservation Trust, the Dog Island Conservation District, and the University of Florida — Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research. Located on Dog Island in Franklin County, Florida, this 40-acre property is four miles offshore on the eastern edge of the Apalachicola Bay. The Island itself is important for nesting sea turtles, neotropical migrants and shorebirds. Dog Island also has become one of the highest use areas in northwest Florida for the federally protected piping plover and is used as a nesting area for the federally protected red knot and many other state-protected species. Nine natural communities have been identified on the island including beach dune, depression marsh, estuarine, interdunal swale, mangrove swamp, marsh lake, salt marsh, scrubby flatwood and wet flatwood. The Dog Island Preserve is straddled by two properties owned by The Nature Conservancy and is managed collectively with a permanent conservation easement to protect the natural resources with limited access for public enjoyment. The purchase of the property was enabled through small private
contributions and donations from local residents and private foundations. Atira Conservation assisted with the purchase of Dog Island Preserve and supported the endowment that ensures monitoring and enforcement of the property through the conservation easement.
- Property Cost: $600,000
- Atira Conservation Funding: $30,000