The Hailey Greenway is a popular setting for nature play | Photo: Halsey Web, Wood River Land Trust

Hailey Greenway Expansion

Atira Conservation partnered with Wood River Land Trust in Hailey, Idaho, to support the addition of 30.83 acres of protected land to the popular Hailey Greenway. The acquisition expands the permanent protection of the riparian corridor — lands that occur along the edges of rivers, streams, lakes, and other water bodies — that elk, deer, moose and mountain lions commonly traverse.

The property addition includes 30 acres of cottonwood forest, riparian and wetland habitat and river frontage to the Big Wood River. The property itself is used by elk and deer as winter habitat, with herds of elk often bedding down on the property, which boasts great cottonwood forest and riparian habitat. The acquisition also provides an opportunity to restore a meadow on the property that had previously been used for grazing.

The project expands the 486-acre Hailey Greenway, a beloved community asset that is walkable from downtown Hailey, and used daily by residents, school groups and people wanting to connect to nature. The Greenway abuts thousands of acres of public lands to the west and this 30-acre acquisition protects important habitat connectivity along the Big Wood River and its floodplain, and connects the Hailey Greenway to a pedestrian path just south of this property, creating a trail connection that extends from Hailey to the next town south, Bellevue, Idaho.

  • Property Cost: $1.05 million
  • Atira Conservation Funding: $20,000

Hailey Greenway Expansion | Photo: Wood River Land Trust

Hailey Greenway Expansion | Photo: Wood River Land Trust