McCalla’s Woods | Photo: Sycamore Land Trust
McCalla’s Woods — Pam McCalla Addition
The Pam McCalla property is a 65-acre addition to Sycamore Land Trust’s 119-acre McCalla’s Woods preserve in Orange County, Indiana, about three miles south of the county seat of Paoli and 90 miles south-southwest of Indianapolis. Atira Conservation partnered with Sycamore Land Trust to acquire this property, which borders the existing McCalla’s Woods preserve on three sides. The addition fills in a large hole in the middle of the current preserve and increases its size by more than 50%, to a total of 184 acres.
McCalla’s Woods provides upland forest habitat critical to Species of Special Concern that rely on interior forest. Numerous species in the preserve are on the Indiana Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Special Concern list, including include broad-winged hawk (Buteo platypterus), worm-eating warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum), black-and-white warbler (Mniotilta varia), hooded warbler (Setophaga citrina), and eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina).
The purchase was time-critical: the property is on relatively flat terrain, making it desirable for residential development, and it is located in a convenient location. Indiana DNR’s 10-year State Wildlife Action Plan (from 2015) highlights the importance of protecting more forested habitat in this interior plateau region. Top conservation actions identified in the Action Plan include protecting large contiguous forested areas for Species of Greatest Conservation Need, limiting conversion of forests to non-forest land uses, protecting roost trees for bat species, and preserving currently existing wildlife corridors. Acquiring the property now ensures its protection as part of this critical habitat forever.
- Property Cost: $236,588
- Atira Conservation Funding: $25,000

Broad-winged hawk | Photo: Vern Wilkins, Indiana University, Bugwood.org

Worm-eating warbler | Photo: Vern Wilkins, Indiana University, Bugwood.org

McCalla’s Woods | Photo: Sycamore Land Trust