Elkhorn Creek at Sulphur Lick | Photo: Heather Housman

Sulphur Lick at Elkhorn Creek Conservation Easement

The Woods and Waters Land Trust and Atira Conservation partnered to acquire the Sulphur Lick at Elkhorn Creek conservation easement within the Lower Kentucky River watershed. The property protects nearly one mile of Elkhorn Creek, a vital tributary to the Kentucky River that supports a diverse range of species. The forested stream buffers along Elkhorn Creek are crucial for species such as the wood thrush, Acadian flycatcher, and Kentucky warbler, all of which rely on these habitats for nesting and foraging.

Beyond protecting critical wildlife habitats, the protection of this property plays a pivotal role in preserving a population of the globally rare Braun’s rockcress, a plant species with a range limited to six counties in Kentucky and Tennessee. The Elkhorn Creek Corridor is a vital refuge for Braun’s rockcress, making this project a key effort in global biodiversity conservation and ensuring this federally endangered plant and its unique habitat remain protected in perpetuity. Sulphur Lick conservation easement not only preserves the natural beauty and biodiversity of the area but also enhances the capacity of local ecosystems to adapt to environmental changes.

As part of a network of conserved lands within the Lower Kentucky River watershed, the Sulphur Lick at Elkhorn Creek Project contributes to the ecological resilience of the region. Specifically, the project provides a match for the larger Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) — Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) funding of the Kentucky River Palisades Watershed Protection Project.

The funded RCPP project provides permanent protection of at least 18 miles of riparian corridor and 6,000 acres of contiguous land associated with the Kentucky River Palisades and Elkhorn Creek in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. The Sulphur Lick conservation easement within the larger Kentucky River Palisades Watershed Protection Project protects the connectivity of this critical ecosystem.

By requiring buffers along all waterways, both projects minimize the effects of urban sprawl and climate change on plant and animal species migration. Although the Sulphur Lick conservation easement is significant on its own, assisting with the RCPP match for this larger regional project amplifies its impact to conservation in this area.

By securing this land, Woods & Waters Land Trust and its partners are helping to create a resilient landscape that will continue to support diverse species and natural communities.

  • Property Cost: $11,500
  • Atira Conservation Funding: $6,000

Map location of Sulpur Lick at Elkhorn Creek Conservation Easement | Photo: Woods & Waters Land Trust

Braun’s rockcress | Photo: Tara Littlefield