East Fork Wetlands | Photo: Cardinal Land Conservancy
Cardinal Land Conservancy Acquires New Preserve
BETHEL, Ohio (20 June 2024 | Cardinal Land Conservancy) – Here is a “first day of summer” photo update for our GORGEOUS preserve, East Fork Wetlands. We acquired this preserve back in January with some help from Atira Conservation, which provided a generous grant to support the ecological restoration and long-term stewardship of this incredible property! So far, we have had some small groups visit to help us with herpetological and native plant surveys, but this preserve is not yet open to the public. Some volunteer assistance will be needed here this fall for trash clean up when the water levels recede. We anticipate an opening date in 2025 and are currently exploring ways to connect this preserve to the adjacent East Fork State Park!

East Fork Wetlands | Photos: Cardinal Land Conservancy